New Lionel owners maybe

I have just read where Horizon Hobbies, who recently bought Athearn has just purchase MDC/Roundhouse. Perhaps, since they are in the buying mode, they could be interested in getting ownership of Lionel. Just a thought

Sounds good, but maybe they don’t want any more trouble (and liability) with UP!

Santa Fe Kent
“There is no BNSF”
About ready to switch to Lionel Postwar and Williams only.

If the 40 something million stands, my guess would be bankruptcy to allow them to reorganize; kinda SOP. Right now, their name is worth more than their other assets.

Yep, bankruptcy could make sense to get rid of all the fuzz. After a time start over again without the huge debts and make profits again…
Though I doubt that the loansuppliers would allow such an action…