The newest addition to the In-ko-pah Railroad is this shiny new Bachmann “Anniversary” edition 4-6-0 from Barry’s Big Trains! It has the custom BBT drive mechanism and is equipped with realistic Phoenix PB9 sound. I Photoshopped the smoke. It looks and runs great! Nice and smooth, and a strong puller. The sound is awesome too. I had not planned to spend so much for a new loco but this one was too good to pass up, and is worth every penny! Also, Barry provides great service and guarantees satisifaction. Now I just need to weather it and letter it for my railroad.
She’s a real beauty alright! Only thing wrong is that she is too clean!
Alright Ray, If yer gonna brag about sound, post a video so we can HEAR the thing. It shore is purdy.
Hi Ray it looks great they are a good loco ive just gone for a consolidaton add traded the 4-6-0 in P/E but the new one is faulty and gone for repair
Since it’s still February Where’s the snow in them there mountins???
Very nice looking steamer
I second that motion!
Thanks. I’m on dialup so I can’t post videos myself, but maybe I can get my brother to upload something for me.