Now that I have found the forum part of this board I thought I would post a brief introduction.
My name is Adam. I live near Barnes Yard and Terminal 4 in St. Johns, Oregon. Having grown up in various neighborhoods of Portland, I am naturally interested in all the various roads that have come through here. My grandfather worked for UP for years, and I have long been a Southern Pacific fan. I get to see SP 4449 often, since it resides here, and I enjoy checking out Portland & Western trains and following what remains of branchline action in Oregon.
If the avatar and name hadn’t already given it away, I am also a fan of logging, particularly steam logging and rails in the woods. I enjoy chatting about logging, rails in the woods, and wood products in general. Some of my favorite railcars are log bunks, disconnects, centerbeams, wood chip gondolas, and, from an earlier period, boxcars full of lumber.
My main roads of interest are Southern Pacific, Portland & Western (Willamette & Pacific), Port of Tillamook Bay, SP&S, and Milwaukee Road, but I have been known to be a fan of just about anything running flanged wheels on steel rails.
I am also a modeler, focusing primarily on N scale modeling. I have a couple modules in progress representing Astoria, Oregon, and I am envisioning a layout, primarily shelf-mounted modules, depicting various NW Oregon scenes. I can get to more of those later. I have also been working on projects related to locomotives and rolling stock peculiar to Milwaukee Road, such as an Olympia Hiawatha consist.
Anyway, I look forward to interacting here on the board.