new member with kids needs to vent and get advice

Hi, I am a new member to this forum. I have been browsing through past forums and have read some of the information about attracting children to the hobby. I am 29 live in Upstate NY and have five kids under 9 years old. We have 2 older marx train sets that I bought on ebay and we run them on the floor. When I break out the train sets, all the neighborhood kids and my own want to play with them. Thats what they are for. Here are some of my ideas.
I should not feel like a sub-customer at train shops. At our local shop, I can remember walking in and my son turning on the train in the display (He was around 3 then). If looks could kill…
If I am in a train shop, seeing how they don’t have time for me anyway, they should price the stuff so I don’t have to take their valuable time to ask. I guess If you have to ask the price its not in your price range.
As you can tell, I am a little bitter about all this, that is why I buy off of ebay. I feel funny taking any on my kids into a train shop (at least my local store). I wish I could buy O scale train stuff at toys r us or walmart.
Where can you take your kids and see a train display? I found a web site once with names of people willing to show their display but none around me.
My final thought is a question. Our track is pretty old as is our transformer (old marx. shock hazard?). I thought about buying a new transformer and track, our trains run good. And then I was thinking that It would be just a little more money to buy a new train set get the transformer, track and a train. Any ideas?

The [}:)] Doctor is in! I can understand your problems with the local store. I have a
good shop in Oakland, CA. that I deal with and am very happy with the service there.
Luck of the draw I guess. As to your transformer/track: Clean the track with a Scotch-
Bright Pad and some GOO-GONE! The transformer is most likley due for replacement
if it is in bad shape. Have you tried going to a Train Show??? You might find a nice
lot there. Also, The Great American Train Shows have display layouts for kids of all ages. Check the ads in CTT. Last, Find a better dealer, Quick!!!
Untill next missive, I remain the humble, yet[}:)] Doctor!!!

Doc, you are preaching to the choir. We agree with you on trains should be available in super stores. Some say they were “raided” when they were in KMart and etc. Well, do them like electronic equipment and guns. Put them in a closed case in an area for you to be waited on by a person. Now on hobby stores. We have a big one and the folks handling trains are real snooty [actually AH’s]. Then we have one in a little town close by run by a widow who’s store is only open certain hours on certain days. Different story. She is more like an aunt than a store keeper. I have had real sucess with Marty [member of this board] at Ma & Pa’s Junction. Call order off of the internet. I’m sure there are more on here too. Good luck.


Glad to have you aboard.

The train shows here in Buckeye Nation has become the place to take the kids. TRAINS.COM has a link to locate train shows on the first pages of this site. Also, at a good train show, where the dealer tables are not too high priced, good used engines, cars, buildings, etc. can be readily be found. This last weekend in Springfield, Ohio the show was one of the best for kids. Train displays with animation. [swg] New trains and old trains in abundance.

Where are you in NY? I have not found that attitude in any of the Western New York shops (Syracuse to Buffalo). There is the occaisional employee who may have other priorities but in general they will be very helpful and if there have layouts will be glad to run trains for you. If you are in this area I can suggest shops that are very kid friendly.

Nice to have you aboard, my folks are in upstate NY as well (Gloversville). My suggestion would be to visit a club or train show with the kids and see what types of trains catch their attention. Then get a good starter set. If you plan to expand the layout, take a careful look at types of track and try to get the widest curves that you can fit into the space you have.


I am a “kid” myself…

No clubs want me as a member, no other kids in school think its “cool” to like trains, and a major turn off to the girls…

kslater, where about are you? I’m in Corning and if I can help let me know. There’s a very kid-friendly show coming up in Ithaca later this month. Also the big show in Syracuse in November is a very kid-friendly show.

I know exactly what you are talking about. But having been a dealer at one time, I know the other side of the coin real well. Selling trains today is no easy matter. Margins are terrible. There is very little support for small dealers from Lionel - next to none. K-Line and MTH are moderately better. Not to mention the vast majority of trains being made today are aimed at adult buyers (with adult wallets) and priced accordingly.

I could go on this topic for a while… but it’s been like this for years, and not likely to change either. Of the big 3 companies, only Mike Wolf of MTH is not only making trains but also REALLY into trains. I doubt any of the top execs at Lionel are. And I know none at K-Line are. Mike gets alot of respect from me, especially now since MTH is the only company doing any serious outreach, even if it is only regional.

kslater, what you are doing is fine. A lot of us buy trains on ebay. Forget the price guide books… ebay is the price guide. And your post shows what I’ve been saying for years… there IS interest in trains from KIDS TODAY! I’ve seen it TOO! Lionel wants to blame video games for this – not their pricing and distribution that favors either mailorder places or longtime dealers under their grandfather clause. Or not their list pricing which is still eons higher than everyone else for comparable product – even though eveything is made in China. Or their lack of any kind of outreach advertising or promotion - outside of licensing deals.

Marx Trains are very respectable in my book. There are some decent lower-end Lionel sets made during the 1970’s that I see on ebay. And it is very possible to build a small layout on something the size of a hollow-core door or even in a space like 4’x6.’ See my post on "Ideas for ne

kslater, Hi & welcome [#welcome],
Internet is your best bet. Unfortunately, some hobbyshops have forgotten what josh cowen new all along, that kids are the most valuable asset in this hobby, just look at all us adults who were exposed to trains as kids…Here we are continuing to grow the hobby .I think you’re right on track (pardon the pun) with playing trains with your kids.The internet is definitely a good alternative to ‘snooty’ hobby shop clerks.Heres a site with ALOT of good links…

Hey there, welcome aboard. I’m pretty new myself around here. I have a five-year-old and I know very well the “look” you’re talking about. Don’t spend a dime in any store that treats you that way.

It’s a great idea to teach your kids to repect the sometimes very special and expensive trains they see in a high-end train store. Ask before touching anything. Respect the answer. The store layout should be fair game for proper, parentally supervised operation (unless marked otherwise - but still, do not touch the trains) but by asking one often gets free demonstrations of way-cool, top of the line equipment.

My son’s already learned that by being well behaved and by asking the store owner very poiltely he often will get a beautiful $4 or $5 catalog for free and dad gets 5-10% off his (usually small) purchase.

Support your local train store. Trains are for playing.

Old 2037

Here is a website with a lot of ideas for layouts, information and just about answers any question you may have about playing with your trains.

I agree with most of what is written here, but I feel a few corrections are in order.

I have a nice, brand newK-Line catalog mailed to me on a regular basis and I
DON"T HAVE TO PAY FOR IT. [:D] MDK has been consistently in touch with the
“starter” train world since K-Line’s beginnings. I have had the pleasure of knowing
Mr. Klein since the beginning and he IS indeed a “train” person. He began his
company with a hobby retailing background and began his manufacturing to
give the “little guy” the things that the rest of the train builders wouldn’t. Namely
decently priced trains with play value and quality.

Having said that, lets look at prices. In the new catalog (2004 First Edition) he opens
with a set (Yes, it’s $200) that has a large amount of track for a starter set, a die-
cast metal locomotive, and TWO operating cars, as well as a boxcar and ILLUMIN-
ATED caboose. Not bad!

Farther a long for a little more there is an excellent railroad Construction Set that
has a nice diesel loco, an operating dump car, and tons of play accessories, such
as men, barrels, earth-movers, and a crane car that can be operated by the child-
ren! Yes, it also comes with track and transformer. The other manufacturers don’t
include as much for a much higher price to boot!

In the back half of the catalog MDK has not one, not two, but THREE lines of
“starter” trains and rolling stock. ALL priced at ROCK BOTTOM!

First is the line $29.95 a piece
of OPERATING cars which include log and dump cars with accessory vehicles.

Then a few pages later, there is the “Train 19” line of cars featuring two different
types of cabooses (one illuminated), a cargo flat car with figures and vehicle
load, tank car, hoppers in two different road names, and box cars in two different
road names. ALL FOR $19.95 a piece! These pieces can also be run with all
other types of

If you would like a catalog, email me offline and I’ll mail you mine, still in the plastic baggie.

Wow, that K-Line catalog sounds great. And you say it’s free? How can I get one?

BTW, my young children and I have enjoyed browsing the aisles at Hobby Lobby - if you have them in your area - they have an aisle full of model railroading stuff- including loads of K-Line trainsets and track.

Sign up on there website.

Or send in a K-Line warrenty card.

We bought my son a Lionel starter kit when he was four years old, which with a little help from me in setting up he loved. He’s now eight and we’ve been working on a 4X8 layout over the past six months. I’ve done the bulk of the work, but he’s been there the whole way sawing, gluing, wiring (and rewirng and rewiring) and working on scenery.

When we tested the track layout he sent the engine flying off the table, so I promptly asked him to step aside so I could show him how it was done and sent the engine soaring thorugh the air. We’ve never laughed together so hard.

I went to three different local dealers until I found one that I felt comfortable with. Now I feel like a regular at Milepost 38 (

One final thought. When we have company or I talk about the layout and train set with friends and associates (mainly male) most of the guys get this misty look in their eyes. They start telling me how when they were kids their dad and them built a layout in the basement or gargage, and how it’s one of their fondest memories. Mostly because of the time they spent with their dad.

Enjoy the hobby…don’t let a few knuckleheads at local dealers spoil it for you.


Actually Lionel has several starter sets that are suitable for children and are very affordable. All of them come with the transformer and a large 40" x 60" oval of FasTrack, and three or more cars. Most come with a “how-to” instructional video. The best prices I’ve found are at and here are some examples:
Glacier Route Freight Set Retails $149.99 Hobby Station $104
Thomas the Tank Engine Set $149.99 Hobby Station $104
Pennsylvania Flyer Steam Set $179.99 Hobby Station $122
Southern Diesel Freight Set $229.99 Hobby Station $157
Santa Fe Flyer wet w/Railsounds $249.99 Hobby Station $175
New York Central w/Railsounds $249.99 Hobby STation $175
Polar Express Set $249.99 Hobby Station $168

Check it out!

Don’t worry Lehigh, later in life the women will stand in line to see your trains. Of course they bring their four kids, but that is a story for another time and place. [:D][:D]

Toy train guy pickup line…to his date…

“You wanna come back to my place and see my etchings…of my trains?” [:D]