new motor

I want to used a mashima motor and the shaft is 1,5 mn.What can I do to adjust the flywheel which have a hole of 2,0 mn ?Or is there a better solution?

Thanks a lot for ideas…


I just measured the shafts on a couple of my A-Line Mashimas and they’re 2mm, not 1.5mm. NWSL used to carry different size bushings for this purpose. I’ve also used heatshrink tubing but takes some trial and error to avaoid flywheel wobble. There are also flywheels with different sized holes.

I have used a bushing sold my NWSL.

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If the link does not work, the part number is 10161-9 1.5mm I.D. 2.0mm O.D. I pressed it into the flywheel and then pressed the whole assembly onto the motor shaft. NWSL has information about how to do this if you have not done this before. The site can be difficult when looking for some parts.



this is a mashima number 40323 from Aline (others dimentions 12mn x 20mn,speed 17000t/mn)

it is suppose to have a shaft of 1,5 mn.

Anyway thanks for your answer,


It is exactly what I need…Many thanks to give the part number because it is not easy to find what you want in this Aline link…



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I did some searching and it is a 1.5mm shaft. It is not too difficult a job. Just plan and take your time if you have not done this before or buy a flywheel with 1.5mm I.D.

You can also buy an inexpensive dial caliper. I bought one twenty years ago made with sturdy plastic for about $15.00. It has a dial in .001" graduations and marks for mm. It has served me well. I have a 61 to 80 drill set which I used to check the caliper.


NWSL does not recommend using a shaft adapter to install a flywheel. Read what they have to say on the matter:

I would just get the correct 1.5mm flywheel.


I’ve always gotton the same mashimas and kinda forgot they offered other shaft diameters. I have used NWSL bushings, but even wiht them it was still difficult to eliminate wobble. I agree with SOO LINE, get flywheels with the matching diameter.