Does anyone have any feedback on ModelTorque’s ATC motors?
I’ve been thinking about re-engineing a LIMA ICE-type locomotive I bought in Germany years ago. It has the typical pan-cake motor and I thought about installing a can motor with fly wheels, drive shaft, etc. But, this would require cutting out a lot of interior and other hassle.
Then, I found an Australian company on the internet (ModelTorque) that makes a replacement motor for LIMA with this new “Automatic Torque-control Coupling” transmission system.
Just curious if anyone has had good results with this motor.
ModelTorque has 2 separate product ranges at the present time : (i) Lima re-motor kits, & (ii) Torque converters.
The product you are interested in (Lima re-motor) is now well-proven in the field and more details are available at
Graham [I have a commercial interest in ModelTorque].
The feedback that I have had is all positive: the Lima replacement motor just screws into the original power bogie. Top speed can be a bit wild, but this is hardly an issue with an ICE set. Low speeds are a lot smoother.
But, Lima wheels need to shine like mirrors for best pick-up: a really good wheel clean will make a Lima mech run a whole lot better.
I know of a company named Ultrascale who offer replacement nickel-silver wheelsets for Lima UK diesels - maybe these would also fit your ICE? Their delivery times are pretty long (all the wheels are hand-turned) but the product is apparently superb. Might be worth a look - website is - they’re supposed to help with keeping the wheels clean as well as looking finer and running better.
As Allan Lees says … the speed can be a bit wild! However, the re-motor kit includes a diode block that, if installed (& it’s recommended that it is), reduces the maximum speed significantly back towards the original Lima motor speed.
Graham [I have a commercial interest in ModelTorque]