New Peco Track way too expensive!

I visited my hobby shop today and discovered some new Peco Switches. I fell over when I saw the price tag of $24.00.

I cannot imagine paying that kind of money for switches. What makes the price justification compared to say… Atlas Switches that are half the cost??

They are selling on e-bay for about $18 per switch, about 15% more than the old code 100 PECO switches. I don’t think that the weak US dollar is helping in this instance.

Everything is getting so high priced in this hobby. Thats why I still used alot of the old brass switches I have had for years. They work fine and in my mind they look pretty good. Dark on the sides and clean and shinny on top makes for what I think is a realistic look. No power problems. I am about 50% brass and 50% nickel silver.

If you want Peco turnouts, go to Cherry Creek Hobbies Web site. Will Garralts in Torrington, Wyoming, sells Peco track and turnouts at the most reasonable prices I have ever been able to find.

Wait until the dollar slides even more…

Peco’s price list shows the new turnouts at a bit less than GBP 12.50 (pounds sterling). The code 75 medium radius is GBP 7.79, code 100 is GBP 7.11.
(all prices before VAT)
A yard of code 83 is 2.04, code 75 is 2.04, code 100 is 2.00. Can somebody out there do the currency conversion?

I’m gettig $1.80 on my Card for US purchases at the moment and it’s not absolutely accurate because of commission etc but the prices are therefore:
We are gettting them for about £10.50-11.00 (about $19) for the #5 electrofrog
I think they are good value and user friendly - if a little less robust than the C100. You definitely need to wire the frog polarity from the Point motor switch

Hope this helps

Modelling New England in the old one

The actual exchange rate is 1.85 right now. Converting GBP into US$ you will get about 1.8 USD to the pound. Converting USD to GBP it will be closer to 1.9 (This is how the banks make a killing in the exchange markets!!) A switch costing 12.00 Pounds in the UK would be about $22.50 in the USA. Of course add in transportation costs and a retail price of $24.00 in the USA is easy to see. Just over a year ago the exchange rate was 1.55 so the same item would have a US list of $18.60. If the UK used the Euro, it would have been even worse!

I think it has less to do with the exchange rate and more to do with the product.

The new Peco Code 83 switches retail here around $CAD 35 versus $CAD 25 for the old Peco Code 100 or $CAD 30 for Peco “finescale” Code 75. Atlas C83 switches retail around $CAD 20-25 each. Peco’s C83 line is all-new made to true North-American prototype HO (Peco C100 and C75 are British-prototype and OO scale), with much finer detail such as eight molded spike heads per tie, as opposed to four “lumps” that look sort of like spike heads if you squint.

Is it worth the extra price? That depends - if you’re happy with the look of Peco or Atlas track, probably not. If you’re looking for extra detail, Peco’s new line looks to me to be comparable to Micro Engineering, whose C83 switches retail between $CAD 40 and $50 each. I had been considering ME C83 for my next two modules, but now I’ll probably go with Peco. It doesn’t hurt that my LHS carries it, saving me the hassle of having to mail-order it…