Do you plan on upgrading your photography equipment this year? Please vote then share your comments below.
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Have my NEW eMac and older ZR10, movie clips from Celebrate The Century Express @ STEAMTOWN NPS; just don’t have the time to finalize (Labor Day 2K). Will keep what I have for now and master this camera before looking at another camera - can’t say that I havn’t been interested in the past 30 days though.
I will probably buy more film based equipment. Digital ranks right up there with Polaroid as far as quality. When digital figures out gray scale an real color saturation I may consider using it to record something I want to keep for several years
I have digital still @ video ( hence the name) but my old faithful minolta 35mm died when my house burned down this past spring so time to replace it. [^]
I don’t plan on changing. I use a digital camera and disposable camera. I live relativley close Durand MI and the CN yard in flint MI and the CSX yard in Mt. Morris MI
I upgraded to digital video in 2001 and to a 5-megapixel still cam last year – and though I’ve taken some nice photos, I’m still learning how to use the new cameras.
I just added a new digital, Olympus C-5050, 5 megapixel. So I imagine the new “equipment” will be a new color printer, as the old just does not cut it any more, and any other accessories I need for this new digital venture.
Still using the Olympus OM-1 that has served me for 25 years now. Over the years it has produced few photo’s RMC has published. Plan to submit some digital images soon to see if they meet publication standards.
I’m set for film photography, Olympus OM-1 & OM-G, but I’m concidering video and digital still equipment. Will have to see if I can afford them later. Sounds like a good Christmas present for me.
The front end of my Panasonic camcorder died so I bought a new Sony camcorder. I didn’t know digital was just around the corner so I have a barely used video camera already obsolete.
Ditto still cameras, after some creep decided he needed my SLR and lenses and my wife’s jewelery more than we did, I bought new top end point and shoot, one with excellent zoom thinking improvement in digital and lower cost would be years away.
So the answer is maybe. Do I really need it? We will see in 2004.
I’m not into photography, although I do like to see other people’s pictures. I am also not near a major railroad yard and the nearest track is about 130 miles away
I usually use a CamCorder but i want to take pictures of freight cars too. But I dont use it to much because the biggest line by me is 45 mins away. This dose not have to do with this subject but if anyone knows of good sites with NS or CSX freight car road numbers please e-mail me at Thank you. One more thing go to and there you can chat to other railfans
I think it is time I invested in a new camera. With a Mamiya DTL 1000 given to me back
in70’s, built like a battleship, heavy, etc. I plan to update to a digital or more likely a
I shoot with a Sony Digital Video and Nikon F3 . I want to upgrade to Nikon or Canon Digital SLR still camera. I would prefer a Digital SLR, but considering that the police have told me and others that it is taking any photos are prohibited in stations in New York, Washington DC and even Baltimore (yes during the NRHS convention believe it or not) , I think that a smaller camera would be better for grab shots. Having cameras hanging around your neck can draw too much attention. One that just slips in a pocket, shots a decent picture and back out of site would be handy.