New railroad room 9ft x 9ft

After 6 months of hard work (weekends & evenings) I’ve finished insulating, plaster boarding, creating internal walls & windows and flooring. Stay tuned for more exciting developments as I start on my very first model rail layout.

!( railway layout/Shed-7-Jan.jpg)!( railway layout/3Oct6.jpg)

Looking very nice. I hope the same thing doesn’t happen to you as happened to a friend of mine. He took the room (8x12) nobody wanted as it was unfinished, had minimal wiring and lighting and finished it out so it looked even better than the wife’s sewing room (smaller room than yours). Guess what! The wife found a bigger sewing room. The room he just finished!

Your room looks like it has good possibilities. Mine is 8x13 and most of it is taken up by the layout.

I would have found a new wife.[(-D][;)] LOL.


My wife is a quilter and has taken over two rooms in our home. She has now been casting a coveting eye over MY space. Prior to the shed renovation, this space was boiling hot in summer, freezing in winter and had lots of spiders & other creepy crawlies. Thinking of reintroducing the spiders.

They don’t make very good MRRing tenants…They NEVER pay their rent on time and overpopulate a building in no time!

Looks like a good space, I think you will find YOU will want more space…LOL!


The high window looks like a good deal.

Does the door open INTO the train room?

!( railway layout/3Oct6.jpg)

Looks very nice. Have you considered painting the walls background sky blue before starting your benchwork? A simple plain blue sky backgroung makes your layout photographs come out better.

Unfortunately no, the door opens into the rest of my workshop. The 9 ft square model rail room is behind the door (where the blue ladder rests). I just know it ain’t going to be big enough for HO but I can’t get enough N gauge stuff for the era and rail company (1950 - 1960, Victorian Railways ) that I want to model. If I wanted British or American N gauge, it wouldn’t be an issue. Australian railway gear is certainly available Down Under but a limited market & therefore limited selection.

I had thought of doing something based on coal mining in Alderson in West Virginia (Alderson being the family surname) and then a HUGE selection of American stock becomes available (much cheaper too). As I haven’t been to America, I’d have to guess what WV is really like.

Must give this more thought.


I’ve got 6 litres of electric blue available but I’ll have to tone it down a lot. It’s sort of sky blue-ish but I’ll certainly paint before the bench goes in.

I lucked out in that we had painted the spare room a nice light “sky blue” {I forget what it was called} long before I ever built my small railroad in there. It fit in real nice.

Electric blue…I wouldn’t think you could even tone it down…and have it look right.

It is a good thing the door opens out as it won’t take up any layout space! You could build right up to the door frames!


Just added a sky blue (ish) band. Below the band is the bench and I left some white wall above the band to reflect light better. At some time in the distant future I might add lighting above the track behind a fascia.

You may find that once the benchwork and trackwork is placed that you will want to “cove” those corners.

If she has two rooms filled up already she needs to start selling the stuff filling them. My mother is a hoarder and a compulsive shopper and expects my father to sell his little bit of stuff to make room for her expanding pile of stuff. Most of it is clothes and shoes she’ll never wear. She buys clothes and they never make it out of the bags. Four rooms already and every closet in the house and she’s filling up the great room. My father came up with a different solution. He’s been packing out this useless stuff and giving it to the donation centers. She’ll never miss it. She used to be a quilter too but gave it up due to health reasons. The quilting rack went bye-bye long ago. She hasn’t even noticed.

Nice work

Room looks great

I like it, I like it a lot. [:D]

Here’s how my 9x9 is coming along.

Good luck. Be sure to get some storage bins and a work table that will fit under the bench work.


Is the work room still bare drywall, or have you done finishing work on it? That seems like a perfect candidate for installing a pocket door.

you can get alot done in 9x9. I have my layout in a 9x9 shed and it has a staging yard below the main yard and also continious running and point to point operations. My layout shares this shed with my workbench and my storage for some of my tools that I use for daily repairs and what not.


I noticed your paint job with the band of blue. I have a similar band of blue around my layout, though the back wall is a dark green. One thing I did was add a crown molding to separate the blue from the top color band. It adds a bit of a finished look to the room and helps to frame the layout. Nice job.