ok I’m gonna start on my locomotive and rolling stock roster, what is the most common things you would see in the rolling in the southern california area in the late 80’s to present day I don’t want to go buy something i don’t need.
anyone who can Please help
SoCal late 80’s?
If you are talking about modeling main line action on the big roads, that’s easy… SP/Cotton Belt had lots of Tunnel Motors (SD40T-2s and SD45T-2s)… UP had over 600 non-tunnel-motor SD40-2s and was the most numerous loco on its roster at the time, and they were taking delivery of the new SD60’s… ATSF also has plenty of EMD dash-2 power. Back then GE U-boats and Dash-7’s were still numerous with all these roads, plus the Dash-8’s were coming on-line.
thanks Tom that’s a start, seing as i was born in 1984 i really didn’t understand what was running in the 80’s seeing as I was only 6 in 1990 anyone else that can help