New route picked for Montana's Tongue River Railroad

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New route picked for Montana’s Tongue River Railroad

Again, maps or sketches?

Oh, hey guys!! Wait a minute! Before we go before the STB with anymore proposals, ol’ Elmer Finkle, down in maintenance, just reminded me that we shouldn’t forget about the “Colstrip route.” He reminded me that something new has just come along, called disturbed power…or distributed power…or somethin’ like that. Could make it financially feasible, in spite of the steeper grades. It’s apparently something new, and I heard that it could be better because it would burn some of the coal the train’s haulin’.
And I wanted you to remind you guys to run the proposal by the good citizens of the West coast of the U.S., because they seemed to have some kind of int’rest in it. How’s about a plannin’ meetin?

Maps and/or sketches sure would be nice.

Map or sketch would be useful. Living in Australia l have no idea of the location.

A small inset map really would make these stories easier to understand.

Yes, map(s) would be nice.