New slant on an old issue

Hi guys,

Don’t know if you have heard of the Brit company ‘Hornby’ venturing into live steam. They are marketing a ‘OO’ guage live steamer of the famous Mallard and it comes in a set making it ready to go - for about £500. The wonderful part of this is that they are using track electrical power to operate an on board immersion heater that boils the water that makes the steam - wonderful and very adaptable to our guage. Go to


I was fortunate enough to see this model demonstrated at last year’s International Model and Hobby Show in Chicago last year. It was a nice looking model.


Hi kimbrit
G scale RH&DR or R&ER or simimlar any one?
regards John

Hey Ya’ll

I have spent loads of time in British 00 before and I have seen the live steam Mallard in operation in Chicago last year 2. It is a superd models and I have seen many 00 scale Garden Railroadfs on the internet. I am sure that 00 entusiats will grab this one up quicly.


Hi John,
Romney, Hythe & Dimchurch I got, what’s the other one?
Speaking of which Pete Waterman - of music publishing fame and loco ownership is in the middle of a series on tele here, called something like ‘Trains with Pete Waterman’. When it arrives, watch it. Absolutely superb and in the last one he featured the Brit Railways at war (39-45), the RH&DR featured in it and there was plenty of shots of the armoured train the East Sussex Regiment ran as shore patrol, 11" guage with an armoured train - wonderful!
It will be worth the wait.

The Hornby live steam is now being advertised in the U.S. for “HO” scale, the same as British 00. There is one minor drawback, however – it uses a proprietary power transformer that is incompatible with any other brand of model, so you can’t operate it on a home layout unless everything else is removed and/or disconnected. It is actually being advertised as “For the serious collector” and not as something that you would actually operate on a regular basis.

Hi Charles,
Yes that’s right. They are recommending that you have a loop of track that is for this loco only so you can then use it on a layout. ‘OO’ is not the same as ‘HO’ so they are out of order advertising it as such. When it was being introduced the motor that Triang, Hornby etc where using was just too big to go in a scale body for the track being used so they expanded everything slightly. I seem to remeber that if you scale ‘OO’ the track guage is about 4’ 2"

I am not interested in live steam so i surprised that nayone else is either.


Ok, did I read right. That it can be on track power and steam like a steamer?

Yes Bill, you read it right. It can be the only loco on that track though because of the commands being sent. Have you checked the Hornby site out? well worth it.
Cheers mate,

Bad thing if only loco on the road at the time. Like to see more than 1.
Will wait till some one comes up with that type of design.
“Steam just for show”[?]

I remember an ad for that a while back.

Maybe a R/C steamer that looks as if the steam controls it [?]

I can see the advantage in track power to heat water in a “OO” guage live steam loco but I feel that in a “G” guage loco it’s not such great an advantage.
But what an engineering acheivement to make a live steamer in “OO” guage.
I always remember as a boy how Triang/Hornby was king.