The latest issue of Tinplate Times is now live on line!
Tinplate Times
New Feature Articles:
Modern European Outline ‘O’ Gauge Trains: A Look at the Continent - By Bryant Booth. In the second installment of his comprehensive review of modern 0 gauge European outline tinplate, Bryant Booth gives us a detailed look at contemporary offerings from ETS, Deak, Zanka, Merkur, and Elettren.
Tinplate Times Profile: Rob English - Rob, who lives in St. Louis, MO with his wife Kathie and two young sons, is building a large Hi-Rail 0 gauge layout, but he is also a big tinpate fan. Here’s a look at his layout and some of his trains.
A “Christmas Day Diner” - By Mike Isenberg. Mike takes a restoration candidate Lionel 419 passenger car and turns it into a unique tinplate diner.
Photo Essay: A Look At Märklin 0 Gauge Tinplate Locomotive Colors - From the collection of Patrick Dobak. A dozen different tinplate locomotives illustrate the wide variety of colorful prewar tinplate steam power manufactured by Märklin.
0 Gauge Tinplate Runing Outdoors In The Netherlands - by Leo Oostenbrug. Here is much great looking tinplate running on a spectacular 0 gauge outdoor layout.
Commentary - by Jim Kelly.
Mailbag - Letters to Tinplate Times
Jim Kelly, TCA 99-49842
Publisher, Tinplate Times
“People do not ‘graduate’ From tinplate.” - Louis Hertz, 1938