Hi, I am new to this hobby and would like to put in a garden railway to start with modeled on a Caterpillar manufactoring plant. I have MTH F-3 ABA (1:32) engines and rolling stock that runs on 1gauge track. I am lost when it come to which track to use, LGB.G scale 1:29 has me confused. Will different manufactures inter-change? What power supply to use outside. I there a book or manual of some kind that will give me information that I need. Any help will be greatly apprecitated.
No doubt you will receive a great deal of advice. A good way to research this topic is to look at past posts. You will find those that are willing to share their successes and failures on this topic. Welcome to the world of large scale. Regards, Dennis.
LGB primarily makes 1:22.5 narrow gauge equipment. Their standard gauge equipment (dismals, modern freight and passenger cars) is a mish mosh of scale somewhere around 1:26 - 1:29. Most modeling modern standard gauge equiptment buy 1:29 scale from AristoCraft or USA trains.
Most power supplies are either AristoCraft (Crest) or Bridgewerks. You probably want at least 10 amps (or more) if you are going to run multiple diesel lashups.
There is lots of info to be found on line, in forums, in GR, and by joining your local club.
I have heard good things about Allan Miller’s “Getting Started in Garden Railroading”.
You can see what I have done in the past year and a half on my blog -
Thanks for the information, have some reading to do. I do have a tentative layout. For size I have about 1/4 acre yard that is fenced to use. Would like the Cat plant to be large enough to accommodate a dock for unloading parts and materials. A overhead crane in the rail yard for loading the heavy equipment. I was in a Cat plant in Ill.while I was trucking and there was a rail inside the building for off loading. Don’t know if I will go that far but it might be an idea for storing train. Lots of ideas, just hope some of them work.
My best suggestion would be to read books/mags, surf, surf, and ask questions. This is a very friendly board. And there are no dumb questions. There are people here who don’t mind a bit answering any sort of question, giving advice, and encouragement.