Hey guys, My name is Corey and Im from Central NY. I have enjoyed model railroading (really any railroading) since I was probably 2 years old, Im 18 now. Mostly I have been into HO scale, but since my only real experience is setting up ovals and simple things on carpet for 16 years, and I have some space concerns or else I would have made an HO set by now. I want to get into N Scale RRs and have been looking at some different options. I have a drawing table that measures something like 31x46 or something. So I made a layout that fits that, and also a layout that extends 6 inches on all sides (I would make a false top so I dont ruin the table and to make it more portable. I have the Right Track Software files if you want to look at them. I am leaning towards the larger set mostly because in the future I would LOVE to run a 4-8-8-4 Big Boy. As a side note: my grandpa has an older brass 4-8-8-4 that has been sitting in a case for as long as I can remember and would LOVE to see it run. Well, enough mumbo jumbo about me, here are some questions for ya’ll:
1- Should I invest in a DCC system or can I stick with my good 'ol DC power pack?
2- If I dont get a DCC system now, is it easy to upgrade to in the future?
3- What are some decent quality manufacturers of Steam Engines? (Those are Def. my favorite locomotive)
4- Do I have to use momentary switches for the turnouts or can I use toggle switches?
5- Is it OK to get second hand track or will it just be better to get the brand new stuff? (Will there be a noticeable performance decrease in the older stuff, even if in good condition?)
6- (Edit) What would a good radius be to make a Big Boy look sleek and run smooth.
For my layout I envision a small yard big enough to hold a couple different sets of cars to suit my mood of the day and a roundhouse to house my wanted c
Well Corey, I probably don’t qualify as “Expert”, but maybe I can give it a try…
If HO is your first love, I wouldn’t invest in DCC with your temporary N-scale layout. You’re at the age where in a very few years, you’ll have your own place, and may be able to go into HO. I know the feeling, though. Back when N-scale first became available (in the 1960s) I was living in furnished studio apartments, with no room for a layout. I snapped up the Rapido and later Atlas N-scale stuff, and had a layout about 30" square. All it was was a preformed styrofoam layout with 9" radius curves, and a twice-around track plan with no sidings. Kept me going, though. When I got the room, I dumped the N-scale.
I looked at both of your track designs. In either HO or N scales, the Atlas turntable will not be long enought to fit just about any steam engine on. I suspect the your track plans are N scale designs - it appears you used standard 9 3/4" radius sectional curved track - maybe you can get a ‘Big Boy’ around those curves, then maybe not…
If it’s two levels, you’ll need a helix to get enough space between levels at a useable slope. Regretably helix’s are a space eating monsters! This plan won’t work.
No, they are 2 seperate plans. One large, one small. Only 1 level each. The larger radius curves on the small design are 11" and the small ones are 9.75". The Large layout is all 11" curves. I am making one 1’ larger in both length and width right now to try and com up with something, but it will use the 19" radius curves as to make a nicer curve for a Big Boy in the future, not to mention the capability to run larger lengths of cars. Ill post that here when I get the chance to finish it. Thanks for the input though. Keep it coming.