New Toy

Well the wife surprised the hell outta me today with a new toy. Ever since we started getting back into this hobby, we go up to the model train store in Sarasota. I had been drooling over an On30 outside frame locomotive that he had on the used for sale wall. I never let her know about it…or so I thought. Being the wife she is, she bought it with the money she had saved up. Not knowing that while it runs on HO track, it’s not quite to scale and doesn’t fit under the trestles we have LOL. Either way I was absolutely overjoyed to get it (been running it around the living room all day next to the Niagara we now have thanks to a member here). One heluva early birthday present. Now eventually we will get our layout started LOL!!!

I’ll get a video up when I get a chance.

Nice surprise.

Supportive spouses can be very handy. Mine isn’t really into mrr, but she has given me some nice suprises. Maybe someday she’ll get more involved.

Have fun,

Congrats on the new toy. Now you have 2 things to do.

  1. Start looking for some rolling stock to go with the new loco.

  2. Keep an eye out for expensive shoes showing up on the wife’s shoe rack or similar [swg]