New Tracks

Does anybody know if Union Pacific is building any new tracks in Omaha? Earlier Today I saw some loaded ballast cars in a location where there haven’t been tracks for years. I figure that if there are ballast cars there has to be some new track for them to be sitting on, and it probably means that there is also going to be some more new track layed in the near future. The location is near a very big, abandoned grain elevator near the junction of Interstate 80, Interstate 480, and the Kennedy Freeway.

Be advised that this is right about where the locomotives will be moved to the new Kenefick Park. UP (and others) have information on the Web about this, and there was at least one recent thread on this forum that covered the subject.

Willy - I think Overmod has hit it right on the head. Now if they will just Hurry!

Actually there are existing tracks there, there still are some cars that go to that one story building down there . Drive by it every day. Those aren’t new tracks and they don’t come anywhere near where the Kenefick park will be.

Dave H.


I was hoping…

So you get to Lincoln occasionally?

Really? I never get a chance to look real close because on the interstate one only has a really brief interval to look.

If these were Hezog cars I saw the heading West. I would bit the were going to the ballast quarrey on Sherman Hill.

Hey Willy [:D]

Can you give us an update?

Did you find out anything?

Yes, over my four day weekend(isn’t it great that schools are giving us four day weekends for no apparent reason?) me and my mom checked things out and I think I’ve got the mystery solved. There’s a rather flat building under the interstate bridge (like dehusman said) and Union Pacific does deliver some cars to that building. I also discovered that the cars come off a Union Pacific line that goes right through the center of Bellevue, Nebraska. The line seems to have light traffic and one has to be lucky to see a train on it. I guess those tracks have been there all along.[sigh]