New Train Pix From Austin TX

Well yesterday was a pretty day in Austin so I decided to go shoot some train pix. I was lucky & caught 3 trains in about a hour which I consider BIG volume for Austin. I was also lucky in that one of trains had a TFM loco in it’s consist. Where I shot the pix the trains are doing maybe 1 MPH as they will be making a 45 degree left hand turn right after the bridge turning them from a northward direction to a westward direction. The green building in the shots is known as the “Frost” building

Pretty good stuff in your gallery - I snooped around your So. Cal. stuff for a while. You sure caught a ton of action out there. Good work.

I liked the first pic. The fisherman was having a good day too.

I tried to look at yous pics from Austin and couldnt get the link to work…I went to vgalleries direct and did not see you listed…Hep me out here…Danny

Yes thanks to me so far in all my travels doing train watching nothing compares to S. California for volume, speed & seeing actual RR operations. There have been days where I have seen over 45 different trains in less then 6 hours. There are places out there where you can see trains whizzing by you at 70 MPH & the ground is shaking under your feet. To me that tingles my toes. In case you did not see this please click on the below link

Just cut & paste the link in my signature. I just used it & it worked for me

Well the weather was terrific so just being outside made you feel good. The fisherman showed up between the the pix he is in & the one just before it. There was a gap of 20/30 minutes between these 2 trains. He started actually fishing on the south side of the river & slowly moved to the north side. While I was there I did not see him catch a fish. Some days you go there & you see the 8 people skullers from UT practicing there skills which is very interesting to see

Always enjoy your pics.