...New TRAINS mag today...Early

…Guess I’m on the early list this month. A bit early. Just thumbed thru it so haven’t seen much in it yet…

Its pretty decent. Got mine early too…



LC’s got two (one warm off the press), but who’s counting?[;)]

(and I still like the shot of my old territory on the cover [swg] ex-DRGW GP-30’s on the former ATSF/DC&CV upper end of the Colmor Cut-Off)

And of course, there are those of us here who seem to be having mail issues lately…

Not only have I not received the new Trains, I still haven’t seen the rewards of a couple winning Ebay bids (No, I didn’t bid on the O. Winston Link stuff![;)]). I guess the Postal Service is just trying to earn the nickname “Snail Mail” from me! [(-D]

I’ve gotten MR but no Trains yet.

Got Trains and Classic Trains yesterday, just as I was starting to read H. Roger Grant’s book on the Wabash, which I got yesterday.

No problem with my mail.


As if I’m the only one who got it early…

Interesting to compare some of the featured short lines and the Railway Age Short Line Award winners.


we got ours on sat(apr 28) as well. matt was reading it as we headed to the corn city.haven’t got through it yet too much action.

stay safe


My TRAINS hasn’t come yet. Maybe it’ll come today! [bow]

Got mine today!

Our Trains & Classic Trains both came in today. Haven’t had a chance to look at either, yet; there is later this evening.

My TRAINS came last Friday and my first issue of CLASSIC TRAINS came Saturday…loved them both!

I normally receive both the same day…didnt happen. The short line issue of Trains is very, very good. The Blanchard article was really informative. I emailed him a number of questions further questions. He didnt really address my questions, but was kind enough to email back. My guess is some of the questions involved proprietary or confidential information. His article was really great.

Havent had much of a chance to read Classic Trains, but the John Illman photos are really special. Check out the three midwestern photos on pages 54/55. All three are outstanding. All three of subjects not covered too much. Add the four geeps exiting Cascade Tunnel and you might as well figure the magazine has already reached full economic value.


I hope we get more Roy Blanchard commentary. He’s definitely on top of his game when addressing shortline issues.

I also liked the DM&E commentary by Tony Hatch. He seems to know the DM&E better than any of us!

Check out the photo on page 40 of June Trains.

I grew up about 10 miles from the photo location watching that locomotive role freight through, to and from Manito, IL. Of course, #30 was green back then. With red lightening stripes. And a C&IM logo.

Is that not the best photo in Trains for awhile? Great shot. Steve Smedley sure seems to pop up with some great shots.

Anyone know anything about him?


Just found out he is a photographer for the Bloomington Pantograph.


I grew up about 40 miles from where that photo was taken as well–albeit in the opposite direction. It was always a real treat when we would play Pawnee or Kincaid for highschool sports. #30 has distracted my attention from the boasting of my teammates on more than one bus ride home from basketball, football and track meets.

I prefer the green to the orange–but, then again, the orange does look sharp, and I am just happy the rails are still there.


P.S. I use “grew up” in the loosest of terms.