just got my first web page up running. would like some info on it.
can see it at http://webpages.charter.net/joburchjr/
just got my first web page up running. would like some info on it.
can see it at http://webpages.charter.net/joburchjr/
It’s a good start John. I offer the following as constructive comments.
‘Were model trains comes First’ → Where model trains come first
‘turnouts’ not ‘turn outs’
There is a sentence fragment in the lake caption and some minor error on the home page.
Have someone other than yourself proof read the page. We all miss our own errors. Don’t trust spell check in MS Word.
2.) Some images are very slow to load. This may be because of your server timing out, the immense load of c**p that microsoft applications jam into their web pages, or my connection.
3.) Maybe add captions for the photos on the home page.
When you get things fleshed out a bit more I think that it will be a nice page. Keep us posted about updates.
Best of luck,
Oops, I almost forgot: Welcome to the forum! [#welcome]
The pics took a while to load for me as well, and I have high speed cable.
Huh. I have plain 'ol dial-up and it loaded the pictures with no problem. Maybe John changed something but it was only 10 minutes after Jeffrey posted his response.
John, now that you have a web site, you can add the link in your signature so that folks can more easily access it.
I congratulate you on your web page. It’s an excellent start! Wish I knew more about setting one up.
I have to agree with Karl’s post about editting and grammer. Your “internet image” is determined by how well you can communicate your message. Poor spelling and grammer detract heavily from your message. I know, I know! I sound like your high school English teacher! Well, he or she was right! Take your time in writing out what you want to say. A word processor program would help, allowing you to compose your text and edit it first, then paste it into your webpage when it’s correct. Having some one else proofread before publishing is a good idea. You could even post your message on the forum first. Lots of members will help you with spelling and grammer.
Nice pictures, too. Keep us informed of your updates.
Darrell, quiet…for now
thank you for looking over my webpage I did make some changes and I am hoping to get some update pics on it by the weekend.