New York O&W Highview Station for sale

Something made me re-visit (online) my childhood summer stomping grounds in Highview, New York today, and lo and behold the decrepit wreck of a station I used to explore back then is for sale, luxuriously remodeled. Check out the interior! The tunnel entrance is not shown. It’s walking distance, a few hundred feet away, hidden in a mountain cleft. I believe the entrance portal said 1884. Don’t know if the 4 acres includes the right of way, but on a hot sticky summer day the owner of this gem property can stroll down there and shiver just like I did when I was ten. Grab it before it’s gone! (LOL) -Rob

(update–VR tour shows tunnel–guess it’s included)

A lot of custom cabinetry and wood work. The VR is well worth seeing if you can appreciate quality well above what most of us can afford. Not sure why they have vines growing on the wall, no good comes from that.