According to the Artical Employees of NYSE and Member Firms will not be allowed into building if caught using the subway…Ok then where do u park 300 cars and the cost of a limo ride from the Hamptons/Berkshires…and why does NYSE still have floor traders when everything is done on a computer
This might be the beginning of the end to the NYSE trading floor. Nasdaq has been fully electronic from its start in 1971.
As much as it’s troublesome…. I can’t blame them as so many people use the subways daily, if one person is infected, he/she can pass it to everyone on the subway. Better safe than sorry I suppose.
The order has already been rescinded, floor traders can once again take transit to the NYSE, this was done either two weeks ago or last week.
A friend takes the TTC to work every day. They didn’t want him taking the bus so they gave him a smart phone with an Uber app that the company pays for. The TTC does a good job of cleaning their vehicles and every other seat is taped off so it can’t be used so there’s proper spacing. I’m not so sure he’ll be safer in a stranger’s car.