new zw transformer/controller power question

I have a new lionel zw transformer that is used. the transformers are supposed to be 190w each. How can i verify if they are, or if they are 180w. I looked in the lionel website but couldn’t find any matching numbers.


To my knowledge Lionel never built or even cataloged 190 watt power bricks.

They made 135 watt and 180 watt bricks.

To tell the difference, the 135’s are squared off rectangular bricks, while the 180’s are rounded at the corners.

Jon [8D]

Originally the PH 180 were supposed to be 190’s and were cataloged as such (I think in only one catalog) and none were produced/shipped. There is a maximum limit on the power output of a single terminal on a “toy” train transformer of 180 watts. The Z-4000 has two 180 watt track terminals and an auxiliary set with 40 watts. The new ZW can use multiple 180 watt bricks to get to a total output of 720 watts but no more than 180 watts on a terminal. I think this is covered under the CPSC rules.

The TPC-300 and 400 are not considered “toy” train transformers and are not covered by the same guidelines/regulations.

Thank you both for your reply. I told the seller and they claimed it was an error in the ad. All is well, they siad they would refund my money. again thank you.