Newbie and his new layout

Hey Everyone!

My name is Joe, and I am pretty new to the layout hobby. I have had trains (a whole bunch of them) for about 10 years now, a little over two years ago I wanted somewhere that I could display and run them without having to pick them up and put them away every time I ran my trains. I have a link here (I hope it works) to my website where my HO-Scale layout pictures are located. :slight_smile:

Now I’ll warn you all, its still very much so a work in progress, buildings need painted, built, etc…and I am going to upload more pictures of trains running on it probably this weekend (I have a new CSX DASH-9 Diesel engine on its way to me), so I will have more pics as they become available.

Feel Free To Post Any Comments, Suggestions, etc.! :slight_smile:
Hope you enjoy!

[#welcome] Joe
I’ve been in the hobby for over fifteen years and starting my second layout. I have very little to show,nothing to run trains on or even a website, so you doing way better than me.

Looks cool so far! I like the ball park you have there.

Welcome to the forum. You seem to like big buildings and do them well. Some of those must be scratch built. Looking forward to some pics of what you run and some detail on some of the larger structures. There are things we can learn from you and that is why we welcome lots of pics.

As you learn to post pics here, you can keep us up to date with your progress. You will also learn that we answer questions here and that some of the answers are of great use.