Newbie needs coupler help

I recently bought a Mantua 75th Anniversary train. It ran fine until the other day when the coal tender began to randomly uncouple from the next car. The coupler on the tender is now too high and won’t properly engage the next coupler. Help – how do I adjust this? Many thanks. Jim.

Thanks for the reply and the web site. The entire train has knuckle couplers.

What coupler style are you referring to?
Mantua came out with their own tender knuckle coupler a year ago.
Also review KD’s Coupler conversion list at

Once you determine the line of couplers you want on your train, (I like KD), you should get a KD coupler height gauge (or something similar),and standardize all of your rolling stock and motive power couplers. There are some other things to take into account as well. Are you running too tight of a radius on your curves, is the weight of your cars correct, is your track even, ie. dips, bumps, etc. It might also be possible that you may need to tighten a screw here or there. It might also be possible you have a bad coupler;-)

Good Luck,
John N


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