a) Is there a price difference between N and HO sets?
b) I’m interested in a WWII themed set. Does it matter if I pick N or HO for that?
c) Concerning book recommendations: Anything in particular that addresses my WWII theme? If not, what is your recommendations? I would like to read something that isn’t too long. I need to understand the basics, but I don’t want to information-overload. Yet I’d like to avoid beginning mistakes.
d) How do I go about purchasing WWII items? I havn’t had a problem finding figures and vehicles. But it seems much harder to find buildings and Locos. Sure, I guess a steam engine would be fine, but how do I know it’s truly WWII? Most of the product pages I’ve looked at don’t seem to provide “service dates.”
e) Pricing (and sanity:) wise I’d like to start with DC. If I ever switch to DCC, do I need to “re-purchase” the electronics or are the tracks and the loco “DCC ready” even though I don’t have the appropriate controller?
f) I read somewhere that Kato Uni-Track doesn’t have to be permenantly fastened
down. I’m guessing that may be a good initial setup for me too …
Thanks a lot and sorry if my questions are dupes!!