
Hello everyone, Just joined this group as I am about to embark on my first layout. Im primarily interested in N Scale, although all Scales are great. I love the 50s era & the Atomic Age, so will be designing my layout along these lines. Thanks in advance for all the help I know Im going to need, as Ive never had a layout before.

Western Australia? I’m picturing that it might be a trek to a hobby shop and that you’re very fond of mail order.

Welcome. I think that you’ll find good folks here willing to help, and many of your questions might be addressed in the discussions on file.

Just to help you feel motivated on the “50’s era & the Atomic Age”, here’s a photo I took last May at the National Museum of Transportation in St. Louis:



I am only about 18 months ahead of you. I will tell you the first lesson I learned–start small. After having visions of a large layout, only to become quickly overwhelmed, I am now building a small, 28"x48" N-scale layout to learn on. A much better way to start, at least for me.

One more thing. The Model Railroader Video Plus subscription has been worth it’s weight in gold. (Hm, how much does a subscription weigh?) The Thin Branch series has been invaluable to me as a guide as to the best way to build my layout.

Welcome, do you have a favorite railroad? I’m modeling the 60’s in N scale, so we’re pretty close in general time periods. I agree with rideonroad, a 2 x 4 f(24cm by 48cm) layout is a good starting point in N.


WE have a good group here and a lot of help and advise is available - Just Ask!!

There are a few modelers from Austrailia on the forum, but I think most are from the east coast area. Also there is JaBear, he is Ok as well, even if he is from New Zeland. [swg] They may be able to advise you on the best ways to order stuff from North America or Europe.

As someone mentioned above, it would help if you shared some more info on your modeling interests, like where in the world are you thinking of modeling?


[#welcome] To The Forums.

You can get Yourself more aquainted with ‘‘How To’s’’ supplied by our Hosts at MRR Magazine:

Have Fun! Many knowledgeable people around to help, with your questions.


Welcome! This can be lots of fun! The forum is a great find…follow new threads, ask questions as needed as folks here are extremely helpful. Suggest how to use the “favorites” thingy on the right as it’s a way to make your list of threads for future reference. And the “search the community” spot on the right middle (not the top) can fnd some items of interest but tends towards recent threads with any reference, so supplement that with google searches. Also recommend the free resources here, add video plus for more how to’s, and consider some of the “Shop” store Kalmbach booklets (e.g., track laying, electical/Dcc, scenery, etc.

How you intend to approach developing a track plan?

Sometimes I’m nostalgic for when I was a “newbie” and everything was exciting and fresh. But then I look at the new layout I’m building in my office and I realize that feeling doesn’t really go away - that’s what’s so great about this hobby!

So, welcome to the asylum. Ask more questions, model more trains.

Welcome to the forum!!


You have a lot of fun in store for you!

Remember that the only stupid question is the one you don’t ask!


Gidday, [#welcome]to the forum.
Two things that I’ve found is that if you ask a question, be specific, don’t use colloquial Oztralian, (or in my case Kiwi), and don’t be afraid to seek clarification when North American brand names, that are not available down-under, ie Homasote (known here as Pinex), are used.
All in all, a good bunch, heck they must be as they put up with me, [swg] and helpful too.[tup]

Awww Gee George, now I’ll have to get a bigger cap to fit my swelled head.[(-D]

Cheers, the Bear.[B]