News Wire: Amtrak stops busing 'Starlight' passengers around collapsed tunnel

OAKRIDGE, Ore. — Amtrak service between the Pacific Northwest and California has been severed after the passenger railroad announced this week that it would no longer be busing Coast Starlight passengers around a collapsed Union Pacific tunnel …

It would be interesting to see how much the revenue and passengers per train-mile drop as this is essentially what many on these forums advocate as a reform concept.

As of June 11, no service north of Sacramento.

I was at a party yesterday and someone mentioned they had an Amtrak ticket to Sacramento. Oops I responded. Amtrak had not e-mailed them that the route may not be open on their travel day. The person uses e-mail and texting for about everything. This may be a double slip up. No travel and no notification.

From UP.

To Our Customers,

The tunnel collapse that occurred between Eugene and Chemult, Oregon
has been repaired and service will be restored this evening. Customer
shipments will continue to experience delays of 24 to 72 hours for
the next 2-3 weeks as we work off congestion in this area and return
to normal operations in this corridor.

Thank you for your patience. Please contact Customer Care & Support
or your Union Pacific representative with questions.