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Next country joins the high speed rail movement: Israel
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Next country joins the high speed rail movement: Israel
and the money will come from the 3 Billion$ we send them
Actually, as the article says, the project will be a joint effort of China and Israel. The Chinese are eagerly pursuing the financing and construction of such projects around the world. True, the US does give ample foreign aid to Israel, but fewer and fewer countries look to the US for financial or technological support. Israel, a small nation, will have true HSR while we continue to dawdle. America is moving to the sidelines, fast.
True, however they realize how important rail is to their infrastructure. Too bad their partner in this is China.
Congerss needs to be changed, the culture is corrupt. Both parties. NJ
Having traveled extensively in Israel, the country would benefit greatly from a HSR network. One might remember that rail travel was possible at one time from Europe to Tel Aviv, through the tunnels at the Lebanese border along the ocean. The area the HSR would pass through to the south is quite desolate, with many wadis and geological wonders. I wonder if they would take an inland route along the highway or coastal through Ashdod and Asqelon to get to Beersheba and then to Eilat. Funding? Above my pay grade.
Better they should spend our tax dollars on this than abusing Palestinians & starting a war with Iran that we will have to finish.