I have been using a Digitrax DCS50 for some time and am now ready to expand with a second power supply, and hand held remotes to control more than one loco at the same time. Does anyone have any experience and suggestion which direction to go? I read that one choice would be to add a second DCS50, while another choice might mean a booster with handhelds. I will soon have 200 + feet of track, two dozen DCC turnouts, etc. Seems like this is on the road to a super empire builder command station. thanks for the advice.
Biggest question is, how many trains do you plan to run at once? If only 3 or 4, you probably don’t need any extra power. I’ve run as many as 8 locos, 5 with sound, on my Zephyr. COuldn’t try and max it out at 10 because I had enough trouble managing 8. If you plan to run more than 5 but less than 10, witht he length of run you have perhaps a SEB set would be in oder, but using the DB150 as a booster, the Zephyr stays as the command station. To get a handheld throttle you need either a UT4 or a DT400/402 or the mentioned SEB set which includes the throttle and the DB150. Plus a power supply for the DB150 - unlike the Zephyr the Super EMpire Builder and Super Chief sets do not come with power supplies.
As Randy pointed out may not need any more power. DCC turnouts were mentioned. How are they being controlled? Using DCC for power on turnouts is expensive. DS64’s can control turnouts with just a loconet connection and a separate power supply with no draw on track power.
Adding to your Zephyr is no problem. Everything they make will just plug in and work.
Martin Myers
I started with a Zephyr and faced the same decision point. I decided to simply add the walk around throttles and set out to purchase a DT400 and a UT4. However, I got a great e-Bay deal on a Super Empire Builder, that gave me the extra booster for not much more than I would have paid for the DT400 alone. I don’t really need the extra power, but went with it anyway. I have kept the Z as the command station.
I agree with those who say you don’t need a booster for just a few engines. That said, if you DO need a booster, it is cheaper to buy a Super Empire Builder or a Super Chief set than it is to buy a booster and a throttle.
Digitrax has recently introduced duplex radio, so be sure you understand what you are buying. If you have any questions about the radio changes, post them here.
First, as others have said, don’t assume that you need more power. Add one thing at a time and see how it goes. If you aren’t running lots of locos and distribute power well thru your wiring, you may find the Zephyr has all the power you need. If not it’s easy enough to add a booster.
If you’re going to go handheld, the UT-4 won’t do accessories like turnouts so you will need one of the more expensive ones. You can add receptacles easily enough, they just all plug together with cables.
Decide ahead of time whether you want to do radio control or not. If you do, go ahead and get a handheld with radio in it, even if you aren’t going to be adding radio for a while. However, note that infra-red may work better than you think. I’m experimenting with my UT-4 and only one infra-red receiver and am surprised at how well it works. Adding several receivers I suspect will make it work very well, and cost much less than adding a radio receiver (or two).
I have had my Zephyr for 5-years or so and never experienced a power shortage. Like Randy I have run as many as 8 locos at one time, 6 or more with sound.
If you need more throttles now, use a standard DC power pack on the ‘jump ports’ of your Zephyr. They won’t be ‘walk around’ but they work well. Thats what I did initially to get extra throttles. Later I added a DT400.
There are pictures of my control set up with MRC Railpower 1300s on the jump ports if you are interested. Go to the Layout page go down the page.
Unless you are experiencing power problems or intend to run 10 locos or more in the near future, I suggest you wait until you have problems to increase your power.
Good luck,
Thanks everyone. You all have good points, and I will wait on the extra power. I did notice the new DT400 duplex. Pricie little criter.
I have the UR92, which I am currently using in the IR mode. The spousal unit has assured me that the fat guy in the red suit has his elves making me a DT 402D. After he leaves it I will send my DT400 out to be converted.