Ngineering’s Little Bigger Sounds - Need Wiring Diagram

Hi all, I got one of the Ngineering Little Bigger Sounds Cessna Fly-By Module for the airport I have on my layout. I’m no electrical engineer and the diretions leave a lot to be desired for someone who does not do this kind of thing.

The directions are not clear to me as to which wire goes where and how to add a switch. what I’m really looking for is a wiring diagram that includes the on/off switch. Any help is appreciacted.

Looks pretty straightforward, the picture in the manual labels each connection and pretty much says where it goes. Pin 10 (DAC) on the sound board goes to the one labeled DAC on the amp board, pin 11, GND connect to GND on the amp board. Speaker goes on the right end of the amp where it says SPK + and SPK - (polarity doesn;t really matter for just 1 speaker). DC power supply goes to both boards, where it says DC + and DC -. You need a normally open pushbutton to connect to pin 3 and GND (pin 11). Push the button, the sound plays.


Your description is better than theirs. Is the switch on/off or momentary?

it also says that you can connect to pads 3,4,5 or 6 but doesn’t say what difference it makes.

Momentary from their text, normally open.

The other pins are alternate ways to trigger the sound. I think it says in there what they do.

