Universal problem - universal words
Universal problem - universal words
The engine in the CGI recreation at ~2:04 and ~2:33 looks suspiciously like an F unit…
Wow, Russia’s version of Sheriff John Burnell….the blonde was kinda cute though.
Seems Russian drivers are just a dumb around grade crossings as we are here.
Next time they evacuate the van, they should take they incendiary device with them.
A truly human condition…Universal stupidity!
You can train the ignorant, but stupid is forever! [:'(]
There’s your problem, the stop sign is in English!
Not only in English, but written with the Roman alphabet and not the Cyrillic! As I watched the video, I decided that the people in Ukraine are supposed to be able to read (or, at least, pronouce) writing that uses the Roman alphabet as well as that written with the Cyrllic alphabet.
The blonde’s first name is Svetlana.
Did anyone notice the popup barrier? (the one that got driven over)
Rgds IGN
No more so than in France – where it is pronounced ‘schtop’ or some similar thing. Recognized as an icon, with the word entering the language functionally. There are some discussions of this on the web…