Many words have been cyberspaced reg. songs with trains.
But, I discovered satellite TV music in the 800 channels several months ago when I got wired for Sat. There’s period music from the 70s and 80s, jazz, old country and many more channels devoted to particular music; and, there’s no ads or chatter.
My layout is basically a 50s and 70s theme. During the 50s, I hide the 70s trains in hidden staging and visa-versa. During the 50s, I find that some jazz or old country music sounds just right for background music and for the 70s, the 70s music or disco fits right in.
I know that most of you will be critical of this post and say that the trains themselves make enough sounds; but I just wanted to get this off my chest and admit that I listen to non-train train music as well as train music.
Dave Vergun