Norfolk and Western red?

Good morning, railroaders.

I’ve recently taken up a project for a friend that involves repainting some passenger cars in Norfolk and Western colours.

The big kicker, however, is that I can’t seem to find any paint that matches the NW burgundy colour used on 611 and her consist.

Can anyone out there get me pointed in the right direction? I’m not opposed to mixing paints, if the paints to be mixed come from stock that is commonly available.


EDIT: Spelling corrections

I’s suggest that you check out Scalecoat paints. For a possible match, try S-2042 - Erie Lackawanna Maroon, or S-2120 - PRR Dark Tuscan Red - both of these would need to be modified - lighter for the first and redder for the second.

They also offer S-2082 - N&W Red, which looks very close to what you need on the colour sample chart which I have.
The numbers I’ve included are for 1oz. bottles of Scalecoat II, but they have the same colours in 2oz. bottles and 6oz. spray cans, and similarly in Scalecoat I.
Unfortunately, they don’t show colour samples on their website, but do note that “Photos are coming soon…”.



Thanks for the reply. Any idea where you can get Scalecoat II paints in Canada? Import regulations regarding paints and chemicals have nixed most paint lines where I live.


Contact the Virginia Museum of transportation, and request a copy of the 611 Magazine from Winter 2014/2015. On pages 30-33 it has an article on this exact subject, even gives you a color bar at the top of the page with the appropriate hues, and ones that are not.

Sorry, Michael, but offhand I don’t know of any place in Canada which still offers Scalecoat paints. You could try googling for Canadian suppliers, but I’d guess that particular colour would not be among whatever might be available.
Apparently, those regulations about shipping such paints to Canada concern labelling regarding the hazardous ingredients, and the need for the information to also be in French. Our comparatively small market means that paint manufacturers don’t feel like shouldering the additional expense.


Ford Toreador Red looks pretty darn close to N&W maroon-burgundy, should be available at most any auto parts store or similar. Probably would need to spray a barrier coat first.