Norfolk&Southern Model RR

Can anyone tell me what cars to use,in modeling the N&S RR,and can I use gp40’s,or do I need a certin Locomotive,if it to match the N&S RR Loco.thanks

Atlas made a GP-38 painted and lettered for N&S.

The current Walthers January sales flyer has an Atlas GP-38 in Norfolk and Southern, item number 150-9115, page 13 of the flyer. You may also want to check a hobby shop, train show or ads in MR.

Athearn currently has a 50’ box car in its Ready To Roll line in N&S. They also had a 50’ box car kit at one time in N&S colors.

I don’t know much about the Norfolk and Southern so I don’t know if they used GP-40s.

i have seen ns use high hood sd 40s and gp38 ac units.but you cant have a ns layout without the 611-J.
stay safe

Are we talking about the Norfolk Southern, the 1982 union of the Southern Railway and the Norfolk and Western OR are we talking about the Norfolk Southern Ry, a RR that pre dates the modern NS?

The Norfolk Southern I’m talking about had locos and cars painted grey with a red “N” and black or dark blue “S”.

Does anyone have any additional info about the N&S, maby a website?

Also, was it called the Norfolk and Southern Railway or just Norfolk Southern Railway?

The norfolk southern was a subsidary of the southern railway.when the two rr’s N&W and southern decided to merge they changed the name of the rr to carolina and northwestern freeing up the name for them to have norfolk southern.
stay safe

Both are said Norfolk Southern, not Norfolk and Southern.

Thanks for the Correction,I really did not know,now I do,Norfolk Southern,Cool Beans…thanks all

Here in Delaware I have witnessed NS run anything and everything on local service. They usally bring the train down from Harrisburg PA followed by 2 modern 6 axel locos - usally Dash 9’s but also have seen SD 70’s and even the now famous former Conrail SD 80’s. From PA the train usally goes to Harrington Yard in DE. There they can run the train behind 2 six axels locos such as Dash 9’s ( although this is rare) usally its ran behind two or three locos such as 2 GP38’s and a SD 40-2 on the point or just the GP38’s by themselves as tonnage dictates. As of late I have seen them running older sets of 6 axel power toghether such as a SD 40-2 and a old GE U boat. At Harrington Yard I have seen Two High nose GP 40’s parked but I think these units are used only for yard power and have never seen them on the point of a train. Atlas makes Gp 40’s to and I believe they keep them in stock. The big question is what part of NS are you going to model? Is it former Southern Railroad area or is it the N&W area. It can even be former Conrail area. So you have to answer all these questions before you start buying locos’s. As far as cars go and modern Coal or Covered Grain Hopper will work. NS is big into hauling coal, grain, metal, and auto’s.[#welcome]

Here is some websites for you to check out… - this list class 1 rosters a big help! this is a conrail site but might help. - this a site for the Delmarva Secondary that Conrail used to have and now being operated by NS! Has pictures.

thanks for your time,I’m haveing DCC problems now,and I’ll check thoase web,addres’s later,thanks alot