Norma & Micaela Railroad

Many of you have asked for me to keep you posted on my slow and painful progress in Large Scale.

I have elected to make a post where I can publish my “Company Reports.” Please enduldge in my fiction…

REPORT to board of directors

May 2004
As of May 2004 our current company standing is excellent. We are currently in the process of purchasing a passenger coach from the White Pass & Yukon Railroad which will be upgraded and renumbered as an N&M RR coach. We expect delivery by mid May of 2004.

Additionally, we are purchasing telegraph poles and collecting funds for the purchase of track and a new locomotive. CURRENT COMPANY ASSETS IN CASH RESERVES $15,435.

(P.S. The money is “scale” money if you know what I mean)

Hi Capt C
I could do with some of that there scale money[:D]
This is outragouse all that money and no decent letter head on the documentation[:D]
I sugest keeping copys documents so you can add them to the web site Looking like proper RR documents.
Have you got a track plan yet which distinguist lady of high sociaty turned the first sod with a silver spade the share holders have a right to know?
I actualy have a picture of my good lady with a small garden shovel turning the first sod.
that was the last hard work she did.
As was imediatly replaced with a a work force of 2000 navies don’t know about you but I thinkcreating the history can be as much fun as building the line.
must sit down and do it properly one day
regards John

Just wondering how them telegraph poles I built for you are working out ? Alan


We have examined your report and found the following irregualarities;

1/ we suspect some severe sucking up has occured hence the name Norma (Mrs Capt) and Micaela (baby Capt).

2/ We also found the amount in reserve to be too excessive and suspect some dirty work at the crossroads. $ 15,435 / 22.5 (scale) = US $ 686.00 X 0.7 (con A $) = Aust$ 980.00.

3/ we noticed that their were no cents in your figures, without cents you could not have reached a proper P/L situation so we suspect that you mayhave fudges the figures.

Pleas regard this as a warning and in future you will be required tyo submit a more complwete set of figures

I PRY and SNOOPY; Auditors to the Railway Industry for over 2 weeks.


From: Capt J. E. Carrales
President, N&M RR


As President of the N&M RR I would like to address the issues in your recent epistle. Being that our company is new and funding for the construction of the rail line is henceforth being collected according to the laws of the Interstate Commerce Commission and the Railroad Commission of Texas, we are making our best effort to maintain proper accounting practices. Any inconsistencies may be the result of our recent account, Mr. E. N. Velopes. It is to him that I shall refer you in this matter.

To address your concerns,

[:D] 1) Yes there has been some “playing to the authorities” in the naming of the N&MRR, but that is being supported by some history. (One must never win a argument with the wife because, as I have discovered, that when you win such an encounter; you actually lose.)

  1. The amount in reserve is based on a complicated equation too extensive to be documented here. (based on the price of a G scale “air


With regard to item 1 of the recently published Auditor’s report of the Norma & Micaela Railroad. Let me assure you that “severe sucking up” is not only an accepted practice but is absolutely essential. Most of our fellow general managers couldn’t purchase so much as a single tie (sleeper) without a large measure of shameless sucking up to the CFO.

So by all means continue to use your present techniques, because you seem to be making great progress, we’re all proud of you.


Visit this portion of my website to see the limited work on my first N&M RR passenger coach, the DEL SOL.

They are going to work very well. I will post a picture on my webpage in a few days that will show the telegraph poles as they appear next to the passenger coach.


Capt Carrales


Looking Great!!! [:)]
Question. Where are you getting the dry transfer?
Photos are GREAT [:D]

The ones I used on the N&M RR I bought at Roy’s Hobbies in Kingsville, Texas and they were made by Woodland Scenics, to whom I shall be ordering a catalog.

You can see what they have at…

The letters were a bit time consuming and made me a might frustrated, however I was very pleased with the results.


Thanks for the kind words, little by little I will get this line built. I am determined, albiet quite poor. It is patience that I need most right now, but I do what I can. You all have been so helpful. I extend the greatest thanks and gratitude (slightly redundant, but the situation calls for it) to you and all the others.

Keep that fire lit under me, that is all I really ask of you my fellow threadsters.

Hi Capt.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with creative accounting and keeping the books balanced - kind of. The accounting method that works in Blackpool is the time honoured one of where I go and buy it and Gail finds out when I get home. The RR account is on credit cards and in the UK (do you guys get this offer?) you can shift your card debt onto another company at 0% interest, so I pay the balance off at no charge. I’ve just gone onto one that offers interest free until Feb '05.
Please send me a picture of your coach, I went onto your site but couldn’t find the picture.


You can see pictures of the Coach at…

Nevertheless, I will send you an e-mail of some pics later after work.


Capt Carrales

Capt. You have such interesting things on the forums. Thanks for the latest on your WhitePass construction. I have two HO cars purchased in Skagway last year when we rode the train but forgot about their G Scale models. Now I have to get a couple to add to my passenger line.


PS Will you be going to Denver??

Hey captain looking good Iwill try and send you some pictures today , of your doors and windows


Hmmmmmm normal! [:(!] Train shop I have is a no go on them and don’t carry ANY type of dry transfer…[xx(]
Thanks for the FYI there Capt. [:)]


Your work on the coach looks terrific, you are obviously good with your hands; like the others i am impressed with the transfers.

Don’t get discouraged, the best thing you can do is to get something down and working, no matter how small or minor and this will spur you on.

We didn’t do so well with that address in Caracas, its in a red light distric you know and they have never heard of the person you mentioned. We have been referered to a post office box address in Bogata which is also in a red light district.


Skippy Investigations.

Hi joe
Had a thought the other day danreouse these thoughts have you thought about fitting a box car with passanger trucks and painting it to match the coach for passangers baggage.
Saw this trick on the indian Pacific the other day and thought that has to be the easyist modification out doesn’t even rate being called a kit bash.
regards John

Yes, I plan to paint and letter a boxcar to match the coaches, albiet I can’t find inexpensive passenger trucks. Henceforth, I shall have to live with it as a regular boxcar and return it to the road as a freight car when my combine or baggage car is available.

If I find some passenger trucks, I will keep your suggestion handy. What will be cool is that I plan to weather it slightly when it leaves passenger service and maybe, depending on what trucks it ends up with, make it into a “tool car.”

Nevertheless, I will send you images of whatever I do with the boxcar. First I must buy one…look for more on the Garden Flyer" Boxcar/Baggage near August.

Later eh…(oops sorry that’s not me…)
Keep 'em flying


This is an idea that i have and i stick to it or plan to stick to it 100 %. The very last car in any train has rear lights, call them what you like tail lights even.

ie My big train with Golden Mountain carriages has nothng on the back but i have had an Alpine baggage car on order now for about a year, awaiting its release. It was supposed to be released last September but they say they now hope to have it out by this September. This does not have any lightimg but I will fit metal pick up wheels to it and some European style tail lights.

I like night runs ands this helps youidentify just where all of your train is.

