North Carolina Transportation Museum and an FP-7 cab ride.

We were able to tour the North Carolina Transportation Museum in Spencer, NC this past Sunday. And we rode in the cab of the Southern #6133 EMD FP-7 for the 25 minute ride though the grounds. Here are a few photos:

Southern #6133 EMD FP-7

In the cab with Paul the Engineer

That’s me at the controls

Along the ride!

More Southern cars in the yard!

Back at the station Engineer Paul let us walk through the engine room, 1600 hp with 16 cylinders. That’s Ben and Monique at the back end of the engine.

A little history about - Southern Railway #6133— The locomotive was built by the Electro-Motive Division of General Motors in 1950. This FP-7, operated by the Southern Railway, was the property of the CNO&TP (Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific). The FP designation meant the locomotive could be used for passenger or freight trains, using a 567-B 16 cylinder prime mover, generating 1500 horsepower. These were F-7 freight locomotives with a steam generator placed at the rear of the locomotive, increasing body length by four feet. FP-7 locomotives were used on small branch-line passenger trains throughout the Southern Railway System. By the late 1970s, there were very few FP-7s left on the roster due to Southern eliminating many passenger trains. The 5-8 left were used for excursion trains as part of the Steam Program begun in 1966. The 6133 was donated to the NCTHC in 1980, and restored by the volunteers to its original green/ imitation aluminum paint scheme. It is used to pull the train ride around the property when needed. Another mechanica

Thanks for sharing the experience. I ran a GP9E at Portola twice in the pass two years and it was a fun filled two days for sure.


I just uploaded a video to You Tube of a portion of the cab ride in the Southern #6133 FP-7, enjoy: