seems I am stuck in the middle of few NMRA divisions where I live ( Northeast). I am about an hour or so from some & I have been checking some of their websites and soem have not been updated & I know some don’t meet all the time. THe club I am in seems to meet more than some of the divisions. SO I guess I could be a division of one or 4…
just wanted to yell & see if got any response… [^]
Yes, GFRR, it can be frustrating to reside a distance from the nearest hotbed of interest in an NMRA Division. Unfortunately, it is a widely experienced problem, especially in the mid-west and southwest, where Divisions often cover a great deal of realestate or have large regions totally without them. Likewise, many Divisions only meet once every other month, often leading to the group consisting of only a small number of really “hardcore” members. These are universal problems. You don’t say exactly where you are located in MA but I know that both the HUB and Hudson-Berkshire Divisions (at opposite ends of the state) are extremely active groups that I’d expect you would enjoy.
Can’t offer much else in the way of an answer to your dilemma other than suggesting you might attempt to form a new group in your immediate area if interest warrants. Just appreciate that you are still much better off than many NMRA members further west when it comes to a choice of Division participation.
I don’t know which web sites you were looking at, but I can say that many don’t update every page unless something changes. In other words, the page date may not mean too much.
As to clubs meeting more than some divisions, of course they do. Many clubs have some sort of group activity every week whereas a division may only meet monthly or even only 4 or 5 times a year depending upon how much territory they have and how many members. You are undoubtedly in some division’s area and probably belong to that division even tho you haven’t contacted them or been contacted by them.
thanks for the info, I am newbie in NMRA… so i wanted check some things out… CNJ, I just about right in middle of both those divisions, maybe a alittle closer to the Hudson Berkshire…
and yes Teffy, same post & bad spelling from Atlas forum… just wanted to post in both & see if I could get some info…