About a year ago I picked up a American Flyer 4-8-4 Northern needing a little work.This is a 332 the DC version and to be honest only thing it needed was a cleaning and lube.I have it running and smoking great on a bench cradle with an old low powered HO DC transformer.When I put it on a loop of track the transformer can barely move it.I am assuming I need a higher output power source and was wondering what is the best bet.I was also considering a AC - DC recitiformer as I have a KW,ZW, and AF 18b with more than enough power.Any suggestions?
This is all you need to add to one of your other transformers:
This is a 6 amp full wave bridge rectifier.
Thanks Rob but I am somewhat electrically impaired…How does one wire this into their exiisting transformer…
Your AC transformer connected to the AC leads of the rectifier, your track connected to the “+” & “-” leads.
Switch the “+” & “-” leads to reverse the locomotive.