Not playing with trains?

If someone tells you that you are playing trains and you do not like it you can say that you are not playing with trains, you are operating a scale model of a segment of a vast transportation and economic system.
They will still think that your playing trains but may be to impressed and/or confused to say so.[:)]

I long ago reached a point in my life that I don’t care a fig of other peoples opinions of my hobbies. Those that denigrate have exhibited their lack of manners. The rest are polite or interested. I also do my part and try to be conversant on many subjects. There is no greater bore than one who can only talk about his hobby. Sometimes all you can talk about is the weather.

I’m with you mstein. I “play” with trains. I also “play” with my kids. Sometimes I “play” with my trains with my kids (a lot). What’s the problem? And, I am teaching them about “operating a scale model of a segment of a vast transportation and economic system.” [:)]

I really don’t care what people think, I tell em’ I model railroad, most people I know realize that there is more to it than grown ups meddling in toys- I need only remind them of their car, all terrain vehicle, gun collections, etc., and any contempt is replaced with respect for another hobby.

The thing is, if you do it long enough, so that everyone close to you gets used to it, they stop talking about it (at least in front of you). [swg]

What’s worse, playing with trains, or playing with your (things you shouldn’t)?

Well, let’s see. As a professional classical musician, people tell me that I “Play” the piano. I don’t ‘play’ the piano, I use my body and mind and soul to manipulate sounds, timbre and music out of an instrument that has more moving parts than your average Hummer (and weighs just about as much). That ain’t ‘Playing,’ folks. That’s pretty damned serious business! So do I ‘play’ with my trains? You BETCHA I do! A guy’s got to have SOME relaxation!

I’m old enought now to not be threatened but rather happy to be accused of “play.” It is a leisure/recreative activity for me afterall. I think of it more seriously, but I don’t expect non-modelers to usderstand that (my wife included).


I do play with trains!! , as some play with RC plnaes, boats and cars. What’s more ridiculous a guy operating a scale model of a segment of a vast transportation and economic system or a guy following a small ball for hours every sunday, with a bunch of sticks to hit it a put in a hole. I do both![:D]

I don’t actually ‘play’ with them. I use the controls to make them move and then operate them on the timetable. Does that sound like a toy? I also collect Hot Wheels cars, and while yes, they are toys kids play with, Collectors just sit them on their display bookcase. And who even cares if you ‘play’ with trains?! We all gotta’ have alittle fun sometime[}:)][:D]

You know, I’ve noticed that most of the folks who make these wise-cracks about people who have MRR’ing as a hobby, are the very ones that really push “politically correct terminology”, but only when it fits THEIR agenda. I made a comment the other day that I was a fisherman… and one lady there said “you mean you are a FISHERPERSON’” as she believed the term fisherman is sexist. I almost told her to BMA ! (but being a kind, caring, and considerate Model RailRoader… I let it pass)

To heck with these people, let’s “play with our trains”… Bob

I long ago gave up caring about what people think my my hobby! In my experience, they react in one of two ways - they either laugh at me (in which case I usually determine they’re not worth making friends with, as they’re seldom particularly interesting people!) or just accept it (the better reaction!). I guess it’s a coping mechanism from high school - if they think you care what they think, you get far more hassle.

I’ve found interesting a difference in peoples’ reactions since I’ve switched scales. When I was in N scale, people were genuinely perplexed that I would tinker with such small items. When they see my O scale trains, they exclaim ‘Oh, Lionel!’ and regale me with stories of how they had these trains in their youth or their fathers ran them. The power of that brand…


Don’t sweat it. It used to bother me, but as I got older my response to that would be along the lines of “Yep! I enjoy it, it relaxes me, beats boozing, porn, smoking, and dope any day of the week!” The would be “instigator” cools his or her “making fun of you” jets right away!

Nowadays I add one more line after I wink :[;)][;)]: Oh, by the way…I play with my wife too!" Will floor them everytime! (Ahh! The blessings of marriage!)


Believe it or not, I act like a gentleman but I always suggest to people to keep it real! Political Correctness has gone to far out of hand in my opinon! I would have said to the young lady, “No mam, I’m a Fisherman! And I still treat everyone decently regardless of gender or background!” Saying that with a kind smile, it’s straight to the point and not “Chauvanistic” as the PC crowd (which cries enough as it is) would claim.

Sorry, but I’m just so frazzled at how we’ve allowed the Hollywood extremists to pu***heir values down our throats!

You young people, always be decent and considerate but PLEASE don’t become guilt ridden doormats either! As a teacher, I’m seeing this more and more with a lot of the teen boys, particularly the ones that are trying to do the right thing and on their way to becoming decent young men!

O.K, I’m through with my political rant! Now back to Trains![:D]

Yes, I play with my trains. It’s my hobby, and although I take it fairly seriously, It’s something I do for fun.I really don’t care whether or not other people “approve or disapprove”. I have found that the people that I’m close to, and those opinions I value tend to appreciate it. They’re the ones who are willing to take the time to find out a little about it rather than make a snap judgement. Incidently, Louise and I are gardeners. We also play in the dirt.

Have Fun,
Tom Watkins