On all new releases of Locos, could you please change the voice of that man in the engine from that gentleman with the Southern twang in his voice to that of a sexy Southern Bell. That way when my wife accuses me of having an affair with my trains or being in love with my trains she might actually be on to something. [}:)]
I may actually spend some time changing my CVs like I should.
Hey, that would be one sure fire way to get your wife to pay attention to your trains! You might not like the outcome too much but I guarantee it will get her involved![}:)]
Any Trekies out there? I remember when the Enterprise computer voice got changed to a female one. Quite humerous at the time IIRC.
If I remember correctly, ( and I may be wrong ) the female voice of the computer was done by Gene Roddenberry’s ( he was the originator of the series ) wife. She also appeared on the show as the nurse I believe and she also had a recurring role in Star Trek TNG as the mother of that good lookin’ counselor, Deanna Troi. (sp)
Crandell, good one on that great Canadian, eh. No one can say that he doesn’t tell it like HE sees it.
Ok - Chalk this up to absolutely useless trivia that is totally off topic…BUT, as Dave was removing HAL’s brain, what was the song that HAL began to sing??? Sorry, but I couldn’t resist…
yes Blue, Majel Baret did play nurse, later Dr. Christine Chappel. she also did the voice of the Enterprise as well as playing Number One (in the first pilot). your memory banks are correct regarding Lwaxanna Troi as well.
i can see Ringo Starr doing the conductor, maybe John Wayne or Jimmy Stewart " yuh huhh all board pilgrims" " b-b-b-b-b-oaaaaarddd"