
Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.

Something from nothing leaves less than nothing.


and a 1 and a 2 and a …

And if you have a headache… NOTHING is better than any analgesic advertised on TV… they all make that claim… “Nothing is better”!

Sorry, we are all out of nothing. We will substitute something in its place.

Nothing matters and what if it did. (No change.)

Nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky. (2)

Nothing like the real thing baby! (3)

Nothing’s gonna stop us now. (4)

Trying to figure out the stooopid font size issue, and why the font sizes keep changing in my posts. A turkey trots to water. Where, repeat where is Halsey? (2, 3 , & 4, after the fact.)

8 hours later, and the font size has shrunk on it’s own.[|(]

If it didn’t shrink in 4 hours, then I think you’re supposed to consult a physician.

indubitably !