NS "Southern" 4610 in Northern KY

The NS “Southern” unit 4610 was in Northern KY around 8:00 this morning headed north to Queensgate. It was the 3rd unit back.It went by our shop as I was unlocking our gate. This was on the NS 1st District CNO&TP.

If anybody knows of where it may be headed to or should see it I’d like to know. I am hoping they send it back south toward Danville KY, but who knows.

It has been in KY this weekend because there were photos of it on railpictures.net of it around Somerset KY area. I was amazed to see it this morning.

Brian (KY)

It was the photo of the day here for a few days…very classy engine.

it might be going to the shop I saw the pic of the 4610 yesturday on a site and brokedown or something like that.

also the 4610 was in salisbury,NC about 3 weeks ago my friend got to drive it at NCTM


Yeah,and the person who took that picture for the P.O.D.,is the one
that posted above![:D]

Brian,i’m guessing it’s still “Cream & Green”? I hope they keep that
one that color for a loooonnnnnnggggg time.[:D]

For the crappy day we had here this morning, that thing was as clean as you could get. There are photos of it on Kentucky Yahoo Railfan ( they are also on railpictures.net) taken by E.M. Bell with some write-ups about what all went on down past Lexington this weekend on NS.

Brian (KY)

I feel silly.

Here’s a few pics, of NS4610, in Kentucky.http://www.trains.com/community/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=16634
Seems this unit dwells mostly around Lawrenceburg, and Somerset, on the KY Division.