NS still cancelling most Amtrak trains.

Intermittent problems have cancelled all CHI eastbound NS Amtrak trains = Michigan, 30, 48 among others. As of 2125 Crescebts south of ATL are late but moving. However take a look at the NS train problems on Amtrak alerts.

Service Alerts & Notices | Amtrak

A question for BALT. Is there anyway when communications to signals is comproomised for a signal system revert to ABS? When original Sun Rail signal system was being constrcted observed signal both in CTC and then later ABS as signals both ways showed clear.

ABS in the field will generally continue to work. The problem is that the Dispatcher’s have no way to maintain any record of train movements without the Computer Aided Dispatchng System. As a corollary think of Air Traffic Control working without their radar systems presenting a display of the flights that a controller has in his territory and how the controller has to separate them by location and elevation.

Dispatchers rely upon the Train ID moving across the CADS generated track model display for the knowledge of their railroad. Once a system moves to CADS, the former process of Timetable & Train Orders with the Train Dispatcher hand writing details on paper trainsheets goes away. There are no paper Trainsheets for any territory after the implementation of CADS. CADS keeps track of all signal actions, no matter if originated by the Dispatcher or movements in the field. CADS also records all radio and telephone conversations that Dispatchers are involved in.

If Dispatcher can’t accurately keep track of trains on their territory, they can’t Dispatch it.

CSX had a routine Main Frame computer outage schedu

NS is saying it will take weeks to sort out the problem. Speculation that maybe some how a piece of hardware has failed. Could have been fire, equipment fell over, or any other mechanical failure that will require a new piece. If istalled in the new Atlanta building could have been a problem with the building?

Smells like a network issue. More than likely a upgrade or configuration change that went wrong.

I have been of the belief that NS Dispatching has remained de-centralized even through the PSR era.

All in Atlanta. It has been that way for a couple of years.