NS time table

does any railfan have a ns time table for michigan or indiana or know how I could get one.
thanks for your help.

just wondering what is the reasoning for wanting a time table???

I wanted to know when the trains come through town so I can take some pictures

the ns dont run on a time table anymore all the time table states is track speed restrictions and car restrictions. and general rules otherwise as a employee for the ns we dont even know when we are going to work just wait on the phone to ring. sorry but the time table is not going to help you. if you could even get one.

Railroad employee timetable generally do not have schedules. However, they have a wealth of information for understanding HOW the railroad works, since they include details such as mileposts for various points, speed restrictions, signalling, joint-use track, crossings of other railroads. Collecting these is a hobby itself.

What you’re probably looking for is an NS Lake Division or Illinois Division employee timetable. If you go to a good-size railroad flea market, a timetable dealer might have one. It doesn’t have to be current to be useful.