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NS unveils ‘GoRail’ locomotive for organization’s 10th anniversary
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NS unveils ‘GoRail’ locomotive for organization’s 10th anniversary
That Neon Safety Green is great for high-visibility applications.
What would look great is if Illinois Terminal Green were applied to locomotives in the same way.
This shade of Neon Green is the same color as the Green used for high-visibility equipment and clothing.
The Southern Railway green is a low visibility color.
Gold is not in the cool blue color pallet of Norfolk Southern.
Nice paint scheme but perhaps instead of “GORAIL” on the long hood it should have stated “GORAIL.ORG”.
I think its great to see NS do so much to promote past and present railroading. In NS territory the public sure gets a show at the railroad crossing!
My only suggestion is to take the same pride in your NS freight cars.
I agree with Mr. Hays, Southern green would be a vast improvement over the puky lime green.
Hello? CSX?
Sure looks better than what our Mexican friends paint of railroad equipment. I like it.
That would be a refreshing color scheme on all of NS’s drab units if it was done in Southern green, not the cerise. Maybe a bit of gold striping?.. Even Conrail/Penn Central was not as unremarkable as the current NS paint. The paint job does make a difference!
Mr. Hays must be color blind, since cerise is a shade or reddish pink, not the lime green GoRail corporate color seen here.
It sure would be nice if BNSF and CSX jumped on the heritage bandwagon, they seem to want to project the image that they have NO pride in their past!
The music accompanying the video of the painting of the locomotive was too frenetic. Admittedly it was a compressed 40 hour sequence, but a more light classical would have made watching the painting sequence more interesting instead of jangling one’s hearing.
That’s sharp!!
I never would have guessed they use clearcoat on locomotives!!
That thing is nasty! Seriously, NS… Go back to putting special schemes on cool-looking locomotives! Not those abominations!