I will hve an intermodal yard on my new N scale layour and would appreciate any suggestions on how tracks I should have.
Thanks In Advance
I will hve an intermodal yard on my new N scale layour and would appreciate any suggestions on how tracks I should have.
Thanks In Advance
I guess it all depends on how much space you have as the first stage of answering your question.
Hello All,
As many as you can fit in your given space.
Hope this helps.
No matter how many you can fit, you will need to compress a lot if you are modeling an intermodal yard.
I have seen effective representaions all the way down to two tracks.
Here’s a nice model size one in Richmond.
Here’s my Intermodal Terminal. It’s 14 1/2" wide and about 6 feet long. Each track can hold 6 48’ well cars or 5 53’ or 56’ well cars. I’ve put some 89’ flat cars in there to hold trailers as well.
Nice job Neal. I was thinking of four tracks each twelve feet long with a MiJack container crane over each pair of tracks. Behind the inner tracks would be container, trailer and spare container trailer storage areas. Since the I/M yard will be on the thirty seven foot long side of the layour and would be about fifteen inches deep with plenty of room for it to be that wide, It might work well.
i watch MR vidio’s and others who are a help. One of those is DJ trains who I saw one of his vidio’s shows a small IM yard which i will build on my layout. it seems that some railroads are using small interchange yards to drop off a few cars with containers o/b and vice a versa. these are smaller compared to the huge yards we all know about.Anyway…if yr like me and want a IM yard check out the DJ Trains on YOU Tube and take a look.
Hey Caldreamer-
I agree with JJ’s suggestion . . . but, please allow some room for the over-the-road tractors and trucks. Otherwise, it’s just a container storage yard. Intermodal has at least two modes, and many model layouts seem to forget the other half.
Just my suggestion.
Good suggestion, I will watch the videos. There wil lbe areas for the over the road tractors and trailers. I think I mentioned that in my last post.