This branch serviced the Trentonian Newspaper which was rail served during the breif time that I worked there in the 1990s. Boxcars of comics would come in by rail from Quebecor Printing. Yes the signal is still lit.
I guess it figures the trains’ll be back someday, it’s just gotta be patient.
Not if Chris Christie has his way. Nj Transit came up with a gold plated plan to run the Riverline as a streetcar loop around Downtown Trenton that would have cost 200,000,000. Chris said “Take Unber” which puts him outta touch with the poor man on the street. How ever all we need here is about 1.5 miles of track rehab and brush removal for about 2-5 million (Included is the no-bid contract for Soprano and Soprano constuction company. on the existing line which would put put passengers on the main drag on State Street.
Facscinating, this smacks of Russians! Something going on, just don’t know what.
The “branch” wanders around Trenton over to the wye at Fair interlocking on the Corridor to the northeast of Trenton’s Amtrak station. The signal doesn’t convey any track occupancy information under NORAC rules (the “A” plate), and is a stop and proceed signal as seen (the number plate).
Ok how does the number plate work in such signals? BTW the Wheeling and Lake Erie had a live signal on track that had not been used in 15 years at a grade crossing in Solon OH. Same deal?
The number plate on a red signal means that the most restrictive indication it can display is “stop and proceed (at restricted speed)”. If there were no number plate the indication would be “stop”.