NYC H16-44s: Black or gray?

One thing that can be said about following a particular prototype in our hobby is that “the only thing that is certain is that nothing is for certain”. I rarely use superlatives when describing something because there always seems to be that one, rare instance that proves a popular theory wrong.

I always wondered why the four “passenger” geeps built for Cleveland Union Terminal were black. Didn’t NYC’s “policy” make for gray paint on passenger engines?

The previously mentioned RS-11s in the first group delivered in 1957 were painted a solid black with no gray “zebra stripe”. Three years later, even though built on speculation, the six additional RS-11s DID have the gray zebra stripe.

I’m always willing to bend a little when it comes to the exactitude of the details. I can usually come up with a scenario that will cover for the occasional deviations from historical accuracy.

It’s all about having fun!

Regards, Ed