O-27 Switch Mods Available?

I recently installed several 0-27 switches. However, based on where they are placed I can not see them very well from where I am operating. Therefore I can not tell if they are switched to the “green” or “red”. Is there any mod available to add a light kit or any other mod to tell which way the switch is thrown.

I assume these are Lionel turnouts.

The short answer is “no”. They lack the electrical switch that makes this possible in 022-type O31 turnouts. However, it is possible to concoct, for example, a relay circuit that will tell you the last position that the turnout was thrown to. There are some mechanically-latching relays available that can do this. Atlas sells one for about $10 that they call a “snap relay”. It seems to be intended for DC power, but might be adaptable to AC. For example, you could use two small bridge rectifiers to feed the two coils.

Well, depends here on what vintage your 027 switches are, and whether they’re manual or electric.

I assume that you are talking about the modern post-MPC vintage which are brown in color and have an oversized switch box housing. Assuming they are manual, you could unscrew the switch box housing, and make some modifications to allow a colored light bulb to appear on the top of the housing instead of the box that has the flipper with red/green colored paper on it. You’d want to wire up a trip inside the switch box housing connected to the plastic lever so that when it is in whatever position you decide you want, the colored light (be it red or green) would either be on or off.

Another more simplifed way is to drill a small hole in the manual flip lever on the switch. Then run a length of nylon fish line through the hole (tied around the lever with a knot), You’d need holes drilled in your layout surface on each side of the switch lever, which you’d run the fish line though. Each end of the fish line would come out on the front side of your layout, with cut/drilled wood dowels as levers, one painted green and the other red. Which ever colored dowel hangs lower is the direction your switch is activated in.